Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Largest Mammal On Earth (Elephant)

Elephants are the largest land-dwelling mammals on earth. They are brown to dark gray in color and have long, coarse hairs sparsely covering their bodies. They have very thick skin that keeps them cool. Elephant trunks serve as another limb. A fusion of the nose and upper lip, the trunk may contain more than 40,000 muscles , which more than a total human muscles. The trunk help the elephant use it to gather food and water. They also sport large ears and thick tree-trunk-like legs to support their great weight.

Height 5-14 ft at shoulders (males); females of all subspecies are smaller than males
Length Up to 30 ft trunk to tail
Weight 6,000-15,000 lbs (males)

Lifespan Up to 70 years

Together we conserve them before its too late...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Asian Elephant Conservation

Although revered by many Asian cultures, the Asian elephant is being pushed to extinction. While there are over 15,000 Asian elephants in captivity, only 25,600-32,750 are thought to roam wild in the tropical forests of Asia, less than a tenth of the number of wild African elephants. These remaining populations are mostly small, isolated, and fragmented because their ancient migratory routes and habitat have been interrupted by expanding human encroachment.

Monday, July 14, 2008

ORIGINAL Elephant Painting